The EQUAL4EUROPE consortium consists of six Research Performing Institutions (RPIs) with a clear focus on arts, humanities, medicine, social sciences, business and law (AHMSSBL) an international accreditation organization and a consultant organization.
In 2019, Nehem initiated and developed the European project EQUAL4EUROPE (2020-2023). This international project aims to enhance gender equality in six Research Performing Institutions and was completed in 2023. Within this project, Nehem was the independent assessment partner involved with collecting several types of data, analysing and assessing the progress made by the project partners as well as providing them with recommendations and best practices. Our involvement in this project allowed us to gain in-depth knowledge and a broad understanding of different diversity and inclusion issues that are prevalent in organisations. The tools that we developed and the experience gained from this project are of great value to the DEI team every day.
Gender Equality Plan
Since 2022, public institutions, such as universities, have to fulfill the requirement of having a so-called Gender Equality Plan (GEP) when applying for Horizon Europe grants. A GEP includes a series of objectives and activities aimed at improving gender equality through institutional and cultural change. Nehem offers support to all types oforganisations in their efforts with developing and implementing their GEPs. Based on our expertise on and experience with gender equality in the workplace, we offer tailored approaches to support you in designing, reviewing, implementing and monitoring these plans.
The project
EQUAL4EUROPE is a European project in which we are full project partner. This project was initiated by us. Together with six European universities and one network organization, we applied for funding under the Horizon2020 programme. The goal of the project is to create, implement and monitor Gender Equality Plans for the six research performing organisations in the project. The project has come to a close in 2023. In the first two years, the focus was on performing a baseline assessment regarding the gender equality status within the institutions and drafting action oriented GEPs. In the third year, the focus was on the implementation and monitoring of these plans. The fourth and final year of the project included the Nehem assessment and reports of the progress made so far .
Nehem fulfilled a gender audit role in the E4E project. Within the scope of the project, we have designed an assessment tool that the universities use to measure the impact of the GEPs. The tool was also used to determine points of improvement and additional actions.

Do you want to learn more about Nehem’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion services?
Feel free to contact us via the contact form below or at +31 – 888 381 381 and meet our experts.